热门关键词: 摩擦试验机  鞋底弯折试验机 耐磨试验机   ROSS耐折试验机


  • 落下试验机

  • 时间 : 2020.10.15

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落下试验机 It is designed for determining the damage to the packaged contents after being dropped so that the manufacturer can know how to take measures effectively to protect Its products against damage during transportation. During dropping, the carrier will rotate to allow the packed products to fall freely.lt can test the faces, edges and corners of the product, with small vibration, and stable and reliable operation. 本试验机用于测试包装物品坠落后的受损情况,供生产厂家对产品包 装搬运时采取有效控制措施。双翼落下试验机在跌落测试过程中,载 物架作旋转运动,保证载物架与包装试件分离,实现包装试件的自由 跌落,冲击振动小,稳定可靠,可以完成面、棱、角跌落试验。 Drop Tester 升降范围 Raise range: 400~1650mm 可调空间 Adjustable space (L×W×H): (220~1080)×760×(400~1650)mm 最大承载荷重 Max loading capacity: 约60kg(approx.) 马力 Motor: 调高Height adjustment 1/4HP 调宽Width adjustment 60W 体积 Dimension-主机Main Unit: (W×D×H): 190×134×2